“Wild” arugala and lettuces

“Wild” arugala and lettuces
I call this my “wild” arugala and lettuce because we planted it in the late spring but got hit by a hot spell so the plants pretty much just died before we could harvest much.  The weather was just too warm and the planted bolted and seeded.
Here is the bed with just a few seedlings of arugala and lettuce emerging from the seeds that fell off the dying plants.
Now look at the garden.  We are picking arugala and lettuce daily and feel so great about having a fresh green salad every day.  I am now looking for some recipes to make with the arugala because production has gotten out of control.


4 thoughts on ““Wild” arugala and lettuces

  1. My arugula did the same thing this year. Now I've got the fall patch I purposely planted, and a re-seeded patch that I didn't expect! I like to throw it in tomato sauces (like spinach) and arugula pesto is good too.

  2. SP* and Aubade, thanks for checking out the blog…will def. look into those recipes…didn't even think of arugala pesto but i LOVE pesto and have a ginat bag of pinenuts from costco that I need to use.

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