Tomato Update & Harvest: Stupice, Cherries, Oaxacan Jewel

Here are some tomatoes I picked the other mornng. They are Stupice, Sungold, Sun Sugar, and Sugar Snack. The cherry tomatoes are really starting to ripen and we are picking them everyday.
This is a ripe sun sugar from the wood garden bed. This is the first ripe tomato from this garden bed. Isn’t the color amazing!
Here is a picture of the Oaxacan Jewel. This plant is only about 2.5 feet tall but loaded with tomatoes. It has about 30 that I have counted so far.
My Black Krim in the cinderblock garden. This plant is super dense and loaded with fruit. I am really excited to try them. The smallest tomato in this picture is about the size of a tennis ball…the bigger ones are huge already. I wonder if they are going to turn color soon. I did not realize how big they get. I think the black krims may be the biggest tomatoes from my garden.
My marvel stripe are starting to change color. I think this will be my first beefsteak type of tomato. These are also big tomatoes. About the same size as big beef but smaller than my black krims.
Sugar Snack in the cinderblock garden. Look how many fruits are on this plant. Aren’t they so pretty? The leaves are looking a little yellow…We will add some fertilizer tonight and hopefully that will give help the plant.