Marin Chickens: Our First Egg!

We were so excited to come home from a family wedding. We were only gone for the weekend but I did miss my chickens. When I checked the nest box, I found the most wonderful little gift! A light blue egg from our Easter Egger, Trixie.
I could not have been more proud. Not only did she lay a perfect, beautiful egg BUT she laid it in the nest box like a good girl.
I had an idea that she was about ready to lay because she did “the squat”. It is when she lays on the ground with her wings stretched low when I approached her. Graysen has also started squatting so not much longer for her to start laying.
Then the next day, Trixie laid another egg. This time even bigger! Here they are together.
When I cracked them for breakfast, I found out that they were both DOUBLE YOLKERS!!! I was so excited. The egg yolks were such a vibrant orange!
Breakfast of Champions! Thanks Trixie!
Here is the GREAT TRIXIE!
And some pictures of the other chickens hanging out by the clubhouse and near the mango tree.
How exciting!! I can’t wait to move and be able to have chickens!!!