Ripe Glenn Mango in Northern California = SUCCESS!!

Well, just here to report that I got a mango to ripen here in Northern California. I kept the plant outdoors without any winter protection and it went through 2 winters. I think if I am able to protect it through this winter I will be able to get mangoes on both my glenn and alphonso.
I know you are all dying to know, but the mango was really tasty, sweet with no fibers…my 1 year old ate most of it and he looked like he thoroughly enjoyed it.
So for all you doubters that said you can not grow mangoes in Northern California, I guess this proves you wrong. I hope this helps encourage those that want to pursue growing tropicals….just be sure to pick the right growing spot, be prepared to protect it, and of course a little luck doesn’t hurt.
So now that I have done the “impossible”, does this mean that I am going to stop updating the blog? Heck NO, I have just started so keep posted 😉
Here are some progression pics:
Here is the full-size tree. It is a little taller than 4 ft.
Hi, for some reason when i location your feed into google reader, it won?t do the job. Are you able to give me the Rss link simply to be sure I?m making use of probably the most suitable one?
Hi Elisabeth, I think we fixed the RSS feed. Let me know if you can’t get them.
Hi Tammy,
Great to see your blog and your success in growing Mangoes in Northern CA. Where do you live ? We live in San Ramon and planning to grow one as well. We were advised to get a Glenn since it has an early season. Really amazing to read that it really ripened for you. Greatly encouraging. I have a guava, that fruited last June and it didn’t ripen yet. so i was a little nervous about that part. Which one is more tastier your Glenn or Alphonso ? Please advise. Looking forward to see your reply.
Ojala, i have not had a ripe alphonso mango off the tree yet but have a few pea size fruit so hopefully at least one will hold. the glenn was really tasty.
I live in Marin County. The main thing is to make sure that they do not get frost so plant under an eave or have something that you can set up to protect on the really cold nights.
Hi, I am desperately looking for any kind of mango tree leaves for a Hindu religious ceremony in the bay area. Even though I live in LA area my aunt needs it in the bay area by the 30th of may 2011. If you have any idea where we can find it please advise.
[email protected]
Hi Tammy,
You give me a lot of hope. How long will it take for it to fully mature (ripe), i mean from flowering(which month it starts) to maturity ? I ask this because i have a guava tree which fruited last June and it’s still not ripe and we had to protect it thro’ out the winter. Please let me know. Very glad that i found your forum. 🙂
Hi Tammy,
Did you put a frost cloth for frost protection (i can’t make out from the picture) ? where did you get that ? any additional lighting you add for more warmth.
Hi Ojala, i am not sure how long it took to ripen…i will need to check the blog to see when i got fruit set…it was a few months.
i do not have a frost cloth but instead built a temporary greenhouse that has covered the trees about 10 nights when it was very cold. We did not do any other supplemental heat for warmth. The temporary greenhouse actually kept the trees pretty warm and humid.
Hi Tammy,
Did you start your tree from a seed or a graph. And I to would like to know how long your tree took to bare fruit.
I bought the tree from LaVerne Nursery and got fruit the first or second year. I did not get fruit this year because the tree got toasted by the cold (I no longer do any protection) and I thought it was a goner but it has survived and growing.
Thanks Tammy. How did you manage this last frost we just had in the bay area. We had a tough time putting up the structure all over again to protect some tropicals we have. Still i would like to take all that efforts to have a mango tree. 🙂
Hi ojala,
so far, so good…doesn’t look like the mango trees have any damage. Our structure seems to work pretty well and we put a work light in the “greenhouse” for just a little supplemental heat for 2 nights when temps were supposed to hit a low of around 32 degrees.
they are pushing out some new growth and inflorescence. I lost the few small mangos i had over the winter but it was not the right time for my alphonso…i am hoping i get some more small mangoes again with these new blossoms.
Good to hear that. Atleast it didn’t snow like it was predicted. Sure you will get more and hope we got past the last freeze of the season.
Wowie! That’s amazing! I wonder if Oakland gets warm enough for mangos?
Hi Lisa,
I am not sure what the weather is where you are. If you are in a warmer pocket you may be able to do it. just make sure it is a spot that gets alot of heat/sun and not much frost. good drainage also helps.
Where did you get your Glenn mango? I’ve been looking to order a tree from CA and can’t find anyone who ships.
Did you get your alphonso in the Bay Area? If so, can you please let me know? Thanks.
I did not. I got it from Micki from plantogram. The tree came very beautiful with a nice shape but it was killed by some sort of mole/vole/gopher recently.
Thanks for sharing the infos on mangoes. I now have more confident on my manilla’s which I have for a year.
Hi An, Manillas are said to be very hardy and often used for rootstock so you have upped your chances picking a good variety.
I’m in Fairfax. .. can you tell me where precisely you are (Go a head and email me at [email protected])
I have a mango sprout in my commpost heap!
You need to come over & see OUR homestead… Jacquie
Hey Jacquie,
We are in San Rafael and just found a new mango plant in our compost as well…trying to decide what to do with it…most likely it is a manila-type mango but if it is one of those awful tommy atkins that I picked up from whole foods the plant will be garbage.
I live in the Sacramento area and I have managed to get a few mango seeds germinate in a pot. I plan to keep them indoors through the winter and re-plant them outdoors next year. Could you share a picture of your green house setup? Thanks
Hi Vishy, I do not have a real greenhouse…we just made a tented setup with our arbor and some tarps…
you can see it here:
Hi Vishy,
My sister is doing Laxmi Puja and she needs to pour the water from the kalash (the sacred pot) to a mango tree for the puja to be complete. We live in San Ramon area and don’t know where to find a tree. Can you please advise. What we need to pour is a small cup of pure water from the puja pot.
Hi, I just picked up a glenn mango a few months back. Grafted. 4ft tall. Any advice to grow in the Sacramento area? I’m in Carmichael. Im worried about the cold winters here. Thanks!!
cover, protect it when the temps drop so it does not get too much damage in the cold. let me know the progress.
This gives me hopes… Thanks Tammy
Manila here I come!!! 🙂
This is wonderful ! I am so happy to hear that mangoes can grow and fruit in San Rafael! I am in Novato and have a Manila tree that I picked up from Lowe’s in SSF. I am very hopeful now.
Where can I buy a mango tree in the Bay area?
Really surprised to read that mango can be grow in Northen California?
Do you think we can grow commercially mango there?
OR which are the best area in CA where we can grow mango successfully?
Hi Chetan,
It is not easy to grow mango in Northern California and I do not think it is very viable commercially. Possibly some parts of southern california where they do not get frost.
Hi Tammy, Can you give us an update on your mango tree? Please load up some recent photos too.
Hi all. From a case of mangos I bought, 2 of the seeds sprouted! One appears to be female, and 1 male, (from the visual difference of them).
I am in Half Moon Bay, and my little plants are already about 8″ tall.
I put them on top of a patio table (critters), and then put up poles on the table and wrapped blue greenhouse plastic around the poles.
Protects them from the wind, gives them a little more heat (top is open).
I noticed that in transplanting the youngest, that the roots grow very vigorously, so before winter, and when the Farmers Almanac says to “go”, I will give them them a new 5 gallon home before winter.
Thanks for all of the hope!.